Established in 2011, the Florida State University Real Estate Foundation was originally created to receive contributions of real estate to hold, manage, lease, mortgage, develop, administer or sell in order to contribute or distribute all or a portion of the net proceeds from such activity to the Florida State University, the Florida State University Foundation, or such other entity as the board may determine appropriate.
Today, the specific mission of the Florida State University Real Estate Foundation is to provide expertise and strategic support for all of the University’s real estate needs. The Foundation adds value to the University through real estate opportunities and accomplishes this by working with the University to:
- Solicit and accept gifts of real estate and manage these assets to maximize their financial benefit to the University;
- Identify and acquire properties with strategic value to the University;
- Create strategic plans and develop properties for the benefit of the University;
- Provide real estate asset management services to the University and its direct support organizations as requested by the University administration, Board of Trustees, or individual direct support organizations; and
- Coordinate and achieve any real estate initiative requested or implemented by the University’s administration or Board of Trustees.
The Florida State University Real Estate Foundation is registered as a separate corporation in the state of Florida and has been granted status as a direct support organization of the university. The IRS has determined that the corporation qualifies as a tax-exempt public charity, and contributions to the Real Estate Foundation are deductible under section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code.
Contact Us
Kevin Graham
Executive Director
(850) 645-0522